Wednesday, 19 February 2014


The mission statement at fairandfunky is ‘empowering people to take little steps to change the world.’ We believe that each and every one of us have the power to make a positive difference; through the way we act, what we wear, where we shop and what we do.
We run workshops in schools and community groups on key global themes: Fairtrade, recycling and the environment. We organise events and we sell a range of ethical products online. All of which encourage participants to think about their sense of place in the world and the positive steps they can take locally, nationally and globally; to make a difference.

Fairtrade is at the core of what we do. And this Fairtrade Fortnight, like 1000’s of other Fairtrade campaigners and supporters we are planning to ‘Go Bananas!’ for Fairtrade.
Fairtrade is one of the ways that can, and does, change the world. The Fairtrade Mark (by which individual products are approved in accordance with internationally agreed criteria from the Fairtrade Foundation) is the only independent labelling system which is co-owned and co-directed by the farmers. Fairtrade guarantees a fair deal for producers. Its primary purpose is to increase and improve producer impact, and currently reaches 1.3 million farmers and workers. However, Fairtrade currently touches only 1% of trade globally. Half of the world’s hungry are farmers. This is not good enough. It really is time to wake up and smell the coffee. To get angry. To get animated. To take action. To Go BANANAS!
During Fairtrade Fortnight our workshops will focus on Fairtrade, and supporting the “Stick with Foncho” campaign from The Fairtrade Foundation, will focus on bananas.

We plan to make a Fairtrade banana orchard throughout the fortnight at a number of events – from a workshop in the Houses of Parliament with MP’s to a workshop at Holmfirth Market with a local pre-school. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do. We ALL have the power to take little steps to change the world.

Buying Fairtrade bananas will do just that. They change the world. They change lives. They transform communities. The fairandfunky workshops in Parliament have been organised with our local MP Jason McCartney (see picture of Helen and Sophie with him, left) : “I’m delighted that fairandfunky will get the opportunity to run their workshops in the Houses of Parliament,” said Jason McCartney MP, “this is a fantastic platform to educate people about the importance of Fairtrade.” And we hope that a visit from Foncho and The Fairtrade Foundation at the event will make people stand up, and take action.

We’re not stopping at Parliament. We’re also running Fairtrade workshops in schools throughout the Fortnight, taking part in International Women’s Day celebrations, running public Go Bananas! workshops, hosting a banana producer in Holmfirth, and finishing with the “fairandfunky FAIRTRADE family fun day” finale!

We’re also going bananas in our online shop! Take a look at our very special Go Bananas! offer and use code GOBANANAS for free postage.
So, how will you Go Bananas! for Fairtrade? Let us know via facebook or twitter. We hope we have empowered you to take your own little step, because it is together that we will change the world.

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